V.incent Bozzone graduated from Columbia University with an MBA degree in 1971 with a concentration in the management of organizations.  He pursued a career as a manufacturing management consultant, working with leading consulting firms in the US and abroad.  He is the world’s leading authority on how to best structure and manage job shops and similar order-driven businesses.


He is the author of Speed to Market: How to Cut Lead time and Increase Profits in Job Shops and Custom Manufacturing Environments (available as an eBook), as well as Speed to Market: Lean Manufacturing for Job Shops.

Vince has distilled 40+ years of management consulting experience with over 1,000 companies into these eBooks.  These books are based on the concept of actionable intelligence, each one focused on a critical area of job shop management.

Definition: Actionable intelligence is information that can be followed up on, with the further implication that a strategic plan should be undertaken to make positive use of the information gathered.

Clearly written with an absence of jargon, his common sense approach will show you:

·         What can be improved;

·         Why it needs to be improved;

·         And how to go about improving it

Job Shops have been mostly ignored in the management literature.  They are invisible. They have not been studied and written about; rather the focus has been on mass production manufacturing.  The result is that concepts and tools from mass production have found their way into the job shop world where they don’t belong, create unnecessary problems, and defeat job shop management.

These eBooks seek to redress this imbalance by providing job shop owners and managers with job shop-specific concepts and tools they need to become more competitive and profitable.    A highlight of this series is the eBook, A Radical New Paradigm for Job Shops, which solves a problem that most job shops don’t even know they have.  If you find your continuous improvement efforts plateauing, a radical restructuring of your business is likely in order.